
My Story

This site is about self-transformation. Among many other aspects of self-transformation, ability to communicate effectively is one of key areas you can work on. Most of the content of this site revolves around spoken English and ability to communicate effectively in different life situations.

Before we get right down to the business let me give a bit of background about myself. My name is Vinay Rajeev. I have been a very reserved person most part of my life, crippled with self-doubt and fear of failure. I have lived with the feeling that everyone around me is smarter, better looking and is more successful. Though I was an above average student, I never let my talents and abilities come out in their full glory.

“Embrace each challenge in your life as an opportunity for self-transformation.” Bernie Siegel

And then the transformation happened. It was slow but was worth it. I decided that I will do whatever it takes to get better, not just in my career but in all areas of life viz., health, relationships, finances, leadership and spirituality (more in terms of being connected with the higher energy).

This site is dedicated to all those people who have started their transformation journey. Life is balanced only if all the areas are fulfilled. If you want to take control, go back to the drawing board and start designing each area of your life. Pour your heart into each area so that you live a life of no regrets.

This site hosts all of my writing on Spoken English, Self-Development, Leadership, Relationships, Health & Wellness and some Short Stories that will make you think about your choices in life.

Finally, if you are interested in learning spoken English & to communicate effectively, you should definitely join the Facebook group – Spoken English Academy. You will get all the updates on my training sessions (free & paid) in the group. So, see you there!

Hurry!!! Limited Seats